Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1st Wedding Anniversary Poster

After looking at SY's Engagement Party invites, I thought why don't I create one too (for the lulz) according to what I like the most.

Indented Text

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Advanced Glow Effect 2

Since I thought the first I did was not really that nice, I made a second one. And yups I think this is nicer than the previous one.. hmmmmm..

Colorful Glowing Text Effect

I find this simple but nice. I especially like the reflection at the bottom.

The Link ->

Fiery Effect

By far, I'm most proudest with this one. And many have told me that it's nice.. Teeheee.. I even changed our desktop wallpaper to this. ^^

The Link -->

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dark But Vivid Text Effect

I like this text effect very much too. But I wonder what I did wrong because it looked kinda different from the original. Could it be the size of the font? I added outer glow to it so that it looks like it's glowing. But anyway, I still like it very much. =)

The Link ->

Coloured Chrome Text

I like this very much because besides looking all nice, it actually look very similar to the one done by the author. But compared to the previous Advanced Glow Effect, this is much easier to do.

And this is this blog's first header.

The link ->